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Precision inspection machines for C-scan imaging, evaluation and documentation of large rotary-symmetric parts


Introducing the LFS-300 Series
LFS-300 Series ultrasonic inspection machines are intended for efficient and reliable ultrasonic inspection of large, rotary-symmetrical forgings and castings. Using a unique servo-driven part rotating platform (W-axis), forgings are vertically chucked in the machine, permitting full inspection accessibility to all surfaces in one part set-up.
Test part sizes
All types of forgings with rotary-symmetric part geometry. Accepts chucked part diameter from 900 to 3200mm (35" to 125"), height to 3000mm (120") and weight to 40 tons.
Inspection technique
Contact inspection with water coupling, using transducer bubblers and wear shoes.
Inspection (feed) rates
Surface inspection speeds to 500mm/sec (20in/sec), depending on operator-selected PRF and inspection resolution.
Surface coverage
  • Cylindrical, top and bottom flat surfaces - using standand single or multi-probe manipulator.
  • Slopes and internal bores- using standard or optional single-probe adapters.
  • Radii and curved surfaces - using probe bubblers with fitted wear shoes.
Scanning robot
Rugged inspection robot with three main motion axes (Z-axis vertical column, Y-axis horizontal boom, and V-axis transducer manipulator) for scanning test parts according to preprogrammed scan plans. All motion axes include precise positioning servo motors with digital motion control. A second, optional robotic arm is available for through-transmission applications.
Multi-channel transducer manipulators
A selection of manipulators incorporating quick-release fixtures for one to four ultrasonic transducers. Each transducer is fitted with a spring-loaded bubbler and wear shoe. A pneumatic loading device ensures constant contact pressure on the part surface, irrespective of surface speed, to ensure repeatable and stable ultrasonic inspection.
Contact transducers specifically designed for machine-controlled contact inspection of forged parts. These include T-R probes with excellent near-surface resolution, high-sensitivity (deep penetration) straight and angled longitudinal wave probes, and shear wave probes with superior penetration and resolution properties.
Upi-50 ultrasonic hardware
Multi-channel upi-50 rack-mount ultrasonic instrument with built-in Pentium CPU. Includes one RPP2 programmable square-wave pulser preamplifier for each channel. Remote installation of pulser preamplifiers on the scanning robot ensures enhanced ultrasonic signal-to-noise in the most difficult inspection environments.
Enhanced dynamic range
RPP2 square-wave pulser with optional LAM4 programmable logarithmic amplifier provides an operating dynamic range greater than 80dB for high-sensitive, far-field flaw detection. Total equivalent input noise less than 4nVHz.
Flaw detection
From 0.8mm (No.2) diameter flat-bottomed hole (FBH) at 1.5mm (0.060") depth. Other detection sensitivities per customer request.
Motion control
MAC servo drive hardware, with encoder feedback, RF noise suppression circuitry, and ScanMaster motion control software, for precise, repeatable positioning of all axes. Motion control hardware and system electrical panel installed in air-conditioned environment-proof control cabinet.
Operator control console
Single-screen interface for ultrasonics and motion control, using keyboard, mouse or remote pendant. Precise positioning of robot axes using the interactive ScanMaster ‘virtual’ control panel.
UT set-up and storage
Virtually unlimited hard-disk storage of ultrasonic set-up files. TEACH-IN interface with ScanMaster scan plan tools for operator-selected single or multi-segment scans. Local ‘anchor points’ compensate for part-to-part machining tolerances.
Data acquisition
ScanMaster C-scan imaging software with simultaneously screen display for up to four B or C-scan images in real-time and a toggle-selected A-scan signal. Rescan of selected surface areas of any size, ‘SMART’ full A-scan signal capture, Stop-on-Defect alarming, automatic detection of invalid pixels, and precise LOCATE cursor for validating indications.
Inspection resolution
Inspection resolution operator-selected from 0.5mm (0.02") along the part circumference.
Data evaluation and processing
ScanMaster field-tested defect classifiers, including area-amplitude cluster size (ScanMaster Search & Identify) and statistical signal-to-noise algorithms.
Report Generator
Customized reporting format designed to customer specifications. Display of data and parameter fields, such as ultrasonic set-up files, captured and stored A-scan records, spectral content of probes (FFT), and lists of flaws detected according to ScanMaster classifiers. Equivalent KSR (FBH) sizes. Inspection reports produced automatically or on demand.
Remote communication
LAN communication with a host computer or remote data processing station, providing maximum flexibility for the automation of inspection and data analysis procedures.
System access control
Five levels of programmable authorized access.
  • Second servo-controlled, programmable inspection arm for thru-transmission inspection.
  • Special fixtures for scanning along internal surfaces.
  • ‘Local scan’ axis for precise positioning along the part circumference to within 0.02mm (0.001").
  • Drip-free coupling water recirculation.
  • Remote operator station.

AxisEnvelopeSpeed rangeResolutionRepeatabilityAccuracyBacklashMin. motion
  deg deg/sec deg ±deg ±deg ±deg deg
±42 0.1-20deg/sec 0.01 0.02 0.03 <0.02 0.02
±110 0.5-20deg/sec 0.01 0.02 0.03 <0.02 0.02
±360 0.1-15RPM 0.01 0.02³ 0.03 <0.02 0.02
  mm(in) mm/sec(in/sec) mm(in) ±mm(±in) ±mm(±in) ±mm(±in) mm(in)
W Continuous 1-150(0.04-20)¹ 0.05(0.002)² 0.05(0.002)²³ 0.1(0.004)²4 <1.5(0.06)² <1(0.04)²³
x5 ±100(±4) 1-50(0.04-2) 0.01(0.001) 0.02(0.002) 0.05(0.002) 0.01(0.004) 0.02(0.002)
Y To 1880(75)6 1-150(0.04-6) 0.01(0.001) 0.02(0.002) 0.01(0.004)7 <0.02(0.001) 0.02(0.002)
Z To 3000 (120)8 1-150(0.04-6) 0.01(0.001) 0.02(0.002) 0.01(0.004)7 <0.04(0.002) 0.03(0.002)

1Surface speed at outer diameter of part .
2At outer diameter of part.
3With five ton load.
4Per 1000mm (40in)of distance along circumference.
5Optional 'local' scan axis for precise flaw 'prove up'.
6Selected by customer for largest diameter test part.
7Per 1000mm (40in)length.
8Selected by customer. Includes inspection from top of part.

Safety Standards and Approvals
The LSF-300 systems are fully compliant with the most stringent safety standards. The LFS-300 systems are CE certified for safety and electro-magnetic compliance.