Inside Diameter Measurement at Tubes

The device has been designed to measure the inside diameter of tubes immediately at the tubing line as well as at off-line applications.

Principle of Measurement

Images of the inside edges of the tube are generated by means of a special illumination. These images are projected to a row camera. The inside diameter is measured by evaluation of the edges distance by means of a microcontroller.

Structure of the System

The device comprises

  • the illumination unit,
  • the ccd-camera unit,
  • the electronic unit.

Service and Operation

Particular emphasis has been placed on operator convinience:

  • an adjustment is not required even after job changes,
  • a telecentric lense ensures that changes in the position of the tube do not have any impact on the result of measurement,
  • a rugged row camera is in accordance with the needs of in-line installation some displays make service easy to handle.


  • Outside diameter: up to 70 mm
  • Relation outside/inside diameter: up to 4
  • Relative accuracy of measurement: 0.01 mm (according to DIN 1319)


  • The inside diameter is determined immediately.
  • The measurement can be done at the hot tubing line.
  • The device can be placed close to the forming area of the tubing line. This way a short delay time between forming and measuring level is reached. The basis for an automatic regulation is provided.
  • The device is the basis for calibration of volume measuring devices without mercury.